Welcome friends to a new year, new blog, and new musings...
After two great years at typepad, I have decided to move over to the free blog powerhouse. Before I deleted my typepad account- I revisted some of my old posts and your old comments...ahh the memories! May the next two years bring forth hope amidst troubling times.
But, before I move into 2008- I have some unfinished business. So without further a do...
NUMBER 10: The Green Movement
Nothing to me was more "played" out this year than this culmination of Eco/Enviro/Al Gore/Green push. Don't get me wrong- I think the environment is incredibly important, climate change is real, and have been personally moved to live more intelligently...but the marketing for this movement has totally killed it for me. You can't open up a magazine today, without seeing a gang of "green" inspired ads, from some of the worst offenders- wal-mart, ford, chevy...uggghhh. Oh, and can someone please tell me what the hell Live Earth was all about....no wonder the Prius is the new hot celeb car.
NUMBER 9: TIME Magazine
I have been a subscriber for two years now. In early 2007 they reformatted the mag in two ways: a more focused, sharp, clean page...and a more "future-focused" appeal. There goal has become to be the first to see and report on future issues, global trends, culture change, etc. This runs in stark contrast to their previous model of reporting what is current instead of projecting the future. This is evident in their selction of Vladmir Putin (the more future-focused choice) as their person of the year as opposed to giving it to Al Gore (the more current choice). Hats off to the editors of TIME, I will subscribe for another year.
NUMBER 8: The Judd Apatow Gang
This crew is hot right now- their brand of comedy had me rolling this year. Knocked Up & Superbad were not only incredibly funny in theaters, but were even funnier the second time...and third for that matter. My mom bought me Superbad for Christmas without having seen it. The day after Xmas she called me embarressed about the gift- apparently my mom, sister, and Grandma sat down on xmas day to watch it for the first time.....awkward. I had a good laugh- and said that I was stoked on the gift. Next up Drillbit Taylor starring Owen Wilson.
NUMBER 7: The Music & Movies
Alright...I hate to say it..but...I thought that movies & music sucked this year. So here is my top 5 list within a list.
5. Juno
4. Once
3. Superbad
2. Knocked Up
1. The Lives of Others
5. M.I.A.- Kala
4. Common- Finding Forever
3. Thrice- Alchemy Index: Fire & Water
2. Talib Kweli: Eardrum
1. Lupe Fiasco: The Cool
I know, I know....lots of comedy, lots of hip hop- but, if we are being honest...those were indeed my faves Here's to a hopefully better year. I should also mention here, that TV sucked too- top three reasons why:
3. I officially pronounce television news dead in 2007. Objectivity has been buried. Entertainment= ratings....te-ar
2. The Office made me want to cry more than laugh this year. Partly because the storyline had me feeling horrible for Michael Scott, and partly because the show may have peaked in season 3 (hard to say out loud...although you were all thinking it).
1. I need Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert to keep me sane amidst political turmoil...the producers have taken this joy from my life. Come back soon...with fairly paid writers!
NUMBER 6: apple
Is going to take over the world. They already have. I am a totally bought in sucker..is there anyone else super excited for the 2008 Macworld Keynote???!!! Have you heard the rumors about the next move for apple??? Jay-Z, the recently stepped-down President of Def Jam records may be partnering with them to run a new music label...HOVA
NUMBER 5: Celebrity Culture
It has showed no signs of slowing down. I hate to even give it credit- but, it will most likely be NUMBER 5 on my year end list forever. America Wake Up Please!!!
NUMBER 4: Election 2008
For obvious reasons this cracked the top 5. Primaries have been moved up, change vs. experience has entered our vocabularies, and the countdown that began 7 years ago will end imminently. Obama/Edwards '08???!!!
There were a few deaths this year that were highly symbolic for me:
Anna Nicole Smith: One of the first tabloid queens of our generation to die. I am convinced that overexposure leads to death. Celebrity/tabloid culture will kill more than one in 2008...I sadly guarantee it.
Jerry Falwell: The death of this Christian fundamentalist symbolized the changed tone of religious conversation in America. Jim Wallis & Sojourners efforts have indeed changed the tenor of the dialogue. God is not a republican or democrat- nor does God lie between a series of either/or statements.
Kurt Vonnegut: We may never get another author like this. Writers, because of entertainment marketing/celebrity culture will be forced to adapt to new models. I hope new generations discover the writings of Kurt, discover the power of the pen, and not let "the man" control their words.
"Racism is still alive, they just be concealin' it" - K. West
This year we saw that racism in america is indeed alive and well. The Don Imus scandal frustrates me on so many levels. I am pissed that the scandal ultimately moved beyond Imus to hip hop. Apparently music makes a much better scapegoat than cowboy white folk. Stupid. Also stupid... he is coming back to the airwaves.
Michael Richards' racist tirade at the comedy club dashed my hopes for a seinfeld reunion. Instead, Jerry put out Bee Movie (ugghh).
And finally, the situation in Jena leaves me speechless. I hope justice will be served- and america will look for new ways to confront issues like racism.
NUMBER 1: Steroids in Baseball
I know, I know...how could steroids in baseball be my number 1??? I don't personally enjoy baseball- haven't watched a game in years, but still was deeply affected by the Report that just came out citing a bunch of players and managers for steroid use. I think this report acts as a metaphor for our nation. Baseball is America's "game," its "favorite pastime," it is the sport of kids old and young. Yet, like America has some dirty laundry that we as a nation have to deal with. But...we would rather pretend that the problems didn't exist. We would rather sweep them under the rug- continue with business as usual as long as we were not directly affected.
In today's world we are okay with "performance enhancing" drugs if it means a win. We are okay with torture, guantanamo bay, and the destruction of evidence- as long as we thwart terrorists (a win). Hard work and sacrifice have been replaced with instant gratification and consumerism.
The worst part....things won't change (foreign policy or baseball) unless we DEMAND IT. May we as a blog community spur change in 2008. May we DEMAND justice. May we run with speed towards the day when justice & peace reign....