Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lost & Found: Blackberry

First off, thank you to everyone who has made the effort to update their blogrolls with my new site. Ya gotta love the free blog!

In other news, I lost my cell phone while snowboarding last Saturday- so....all of my contacts + phone numbers are gone. It has proven to be an incredibly frustrating process re-accumulating everyone's phone number, and finding a new phone.

But, ALAS! I finally found a new (fancy) phone! That's right, ladies and gentlemen...I found a used blackberry!

The world of the smart phone is new to me- but the concept of getting my e mail without having to find wi fi and having my calendar in my pocket sounds amazing! In other words, I have been totally geeking out today as I explore this new world.

I still have the same phone number- so you all should be able to get a hold of me. If you all could send me an e-mail ronwernerjr@gmail.com re-giving me your phone #'s that would be awesome.

And finally, for those of you in AZ- I will be there for a whole week starting Saturday, the 27th of January thru Monday, February 4th. Let's hang out! Hit me up and we'll grab a drink!


Samuel Isaac Richard said...

Hopefully, I'm on the list of "drink with these people"...

See you soon!

Anonymous said...

no i phone?

Mark Roberts said...

Lock up tuesday night because you've got an appt for an ass whoopin on the basketball court. Giant Korea is gonna be in your nightmares. :)

Ashley Owlita said...

Sam- you are def on the list!

Garret- would've if i could've ...bend isn't hep to at&t

Mark- bring it on!